Contact us

How to reach us

Your satisfaction with our services is extremely important to us

We’re here to help


How long will it take?

We’re committed to resolving your service request as quickly as possible. In some cases, service requests may involve other banks and institutions and can take up to 15 working days or more. You can follow up with us at any time.

What's next?

Once your service request is received, we'll provide you with a reference number within 2 working days. This will help us communicate with you effectively and efficiently.

Help us help you better

For a quick resolution, please provide us with the following information:

  • Affected account, credit card or loan account number
  • Complete and accurate details of your complaint
  • Date and time the problem occurred

Always safeguard your account and card details when sharing with us and never share this information with people you don't know or can't trust.

If we can’t reach an agreement together

We’re confident that our complaint resolution process is fair and robust, but if we’ve been unable to provide you with a satisfactory resolution, you can refer your complaint to email id: