Customer Care

To raise any complaint or suggestion, please contact the specialized complaints unit at Emirates NBD through any of the following channels:

Customer support within KSA 800 754 7777, from abroad 011 212 2333

Customer support email:

Visit the customer care unit at the branch

Already filled a complaint? Rate your experience!

For complaints email us on:

Sending a fax to +966112825500

Via Online Banking

Via Mobile Banking Application

Contact Us

Customer Service Numbers

General Queries / Info
Lines open 24 hours

Phone: 800 754 7777

International: 011 212 2333

Fax: +966 11 282 5500

General Numbers

Phone Banking: 800 754 7777

Fax: +966 11 282 5500


For all general postal enquires, please write to:

Emirates NBD KSA
P.O. Box 8166 Riyadh 11482
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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